Industry 4.0

Training to drive and support knowledge
sharing, information gathering and
connectivity goals.

Business Across CulturesPresenting in a virtual environmentLeading people in a virtual environment

Presenting with IMPACT

Target Training at Bosch

Since 1995, we have been supporting Bosch departments just like yours. We are proud to be a trusted and approved supplier working in a General Agreement through Bosch Purchasing and BTC.  Please contact me via email if you are interested in learning more.

The Incorporate Trainer

Develop business English and communication skills while you work

Our Bosch-dedicated InCorporate Trainers work from within your offices and enable you to work more effectively and efficiently in English.  We work closely alongside your associates and teams, delivering needs-based training, helping you with on-the-job support at your desk, and shadowing you in action. Plus … your  trainer takes responsibility for organizing, administrating and reporting on the training too!

We currently have 19 InCorporate Trainers worldwide dedicated to Bosch , delivering practical business English training on-the-job, for the job training.

Benefit from business English training on-the-job

One of the unique benefits of the InCorporate Trainer is on-the-job training.  Your  trainer is there when you need assistance in preparing emails, specifications, manuals, reports, slides and other documentation. The trainer is also available to you for preparing and shadowing meetings, phone calls, Skype for Business meetings, presentations and location/shop-floor tours.

This innovative approach to business English training is highly effective because your training  takes place at work, while you are working which means you can easily transfer your learning to your work. And remember… research has proven that  70% of learning comes from on-the-job experience!

Discover how we integrate business English training into your workplace at Bosch so you perform better when working in English.

It is the only core competency development program where people were disappointed when they couldn’t join.

Technical Plant Manager

The Target Training is adaptable for weekly business needs and the focused changes by the group. Overall I am really surprised how successful the Target Training is running since January 2017 in my department BaP/COS.

Department Leader, Bamberg

The Virtual Incorporate Trainer

Who‘s it for?

Your Virtual InCorporate Trainer supports your associates, teams and departments, no matter where your Bosch location is. Associates located in isolated offices or smaller teams have access to the same training as everyone else. The Virtual InCorporate Trainer is also available for associates who work from home, and when they are on a business trip.

How does it work?

Your Virtual InCorporate Trainer works just like a traditional InCorporate Trainer …but virtually.  The Virtual InCorporate Trainer helps you work more effectively and efficiently in English, whether it be delivering clearer presentations virtually, participating in online meetings with more confidence, or exchanging information faster and more accurately via email. Your training mirrors your day-to-day reality of working virtually. This means you improve your business English skills AND your virtual communications skills at the same time!

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5 great benefits of using a Virtual InCorporate Trainer at Bosch

  1. You offer all associates equal training opportunities no matter where they are located
  2. You further enable your associates to work effectively in a virtualized world
  3. You provide training solutions for associates who are often travelling or working from home
  4. You encourage collaboration, networking and a sense of “we” amongst teams and departments in different locations
  5. And of course, you get the accessibility, flexibility and job-relevance that an InCorporate Trainer offers

Our dedicated client management team

Jonny West is Target’s global account manager for Bosch.

beth hampel target training

Beth Hampel manages the InCorporate training program in Stuttgart.

Soft Skills solutions

Dedicated Bosch solutions, delivered virtually or face-to-face globally

In alignment with your We LEAD Bosch and Industry 4.0 initiatives, we offer a range of practical and transferable training solutions. We believe that for training to make an impact, it needs to match your specific business needs and objectives at Bosch.  We use our 20 years+ experience with Bosch, and our in-depth understanding of your challenges and priorities to ensure your training solutions are realistic.

  • We work with you to define your outcomes.
  • We listen to you and together we anticipate and resolve any challenges.
  • We advise you about what we have seen working in comparable situations in Bosch and beyond.
  • We work closely with you step-by-step throughout the training design and development. You retain control throughout.

This ultimately means that your training is designed and developed around your practical needs and requirements. The closer the training is to your day-to-day reality the easier the transfer of training to your Bosch workplace.

Leadership Skills

Aligning with We LEAD, we’ve been helping managers and leaders succeed globally since 2005. We deliver bespoke learning journeys, smoothly supporting existing management programs and creating targeted training solutions. At the heart of all our management and leadership training solutions lies two core beliefs

  • to be truly effective, all managers need to consistently achieve the task, develop individuals and build teams.
  • and to do this they need to be authentic, credible and trustworthy.

This encompasses the knowledge, skills and behaviors so you can effectively lead your business, lead others and lead yourself.

Intercultural Competence

Are you currently working across cultures or expecting to work with clients, partners and suppliers from other cultures? Doing business with another culture can be many things – exciting, intimidating, rewarding, challenging … and intercultural training should play a key role in helping your team to prepare to succeed globally. Our Intercultural solutions can be delivered virtually, or face-to-face.

Intercultural skills for business

“Working across cultures at Bosch demands 4 key behaviors. Firstly it is important to recognize that cultural differences may be impacting relationships with colleagues, partners and clients. Once we recognize that culture is playing a part we need to respect the differences – and without respect we cannot hope to actually reconcile the differences and move forward together. Finally, after we have recognized, respected and reconciled the differences we need to “root” them. In other words we develop our own open corporate culture. ”

Chris Slattery, Managing Director at Target Training


Where we have supported Bosch

And how we help you to achieve success within your teams

We have trained thousands of Bosch associates worldwide across countries, locations, divisions and departments.  Whether it be in Schillerhöhe, Jihlava or Shanghai, we understand what is important to you. Associates of all levels benefit from our training solutions – from the manufacturing floor to executive boardrooms, and from software engineers to purchasers. We value our partnership and long-term relationships with BTC, Bosch management and Bosch Central Purchasing, and work hard to match your commitment to the Bosch values.

Examples of departments and functions who have benefited from our training and on-the-job support include;

  • Finance and Accounting
  • Information Systems and Sevices
  • Purchasing and Logistics
  • Automotive Systems Integration
  • Accounting and Organisation
  • Corporate Communication
  • Controlling, Planning, Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Human Resources
  • Insurance
  • Legal Services
  • Manufacturing Coordination
  • Production System Development
  • Corporate Marketing and Sales
  • Quality Management
  • Board of Management
  • Apprentices

What I value the most about training with is I get exactly that kind of support and training I would need in a particular situation.  

Associate in Stuttgart

I would recommend this training because of the personal content, the professional trainer and training and the friendly and pleasant atmosphere.

Senior Manager in Operations

Uncomplicated, flexible and very competent training with high focus on customer needs.

Department Leader in Manufacturing

From our blog, written by our staff

Tip of the week

For associates worldwide

This is a free in-house service that we provide for all our clients. You’ll receive one email a week.

Your email address has to be in the company address book, to make this process run smoothly. Your email address will not be shared with anyone outside the company network.
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Contact us now
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Free Resources

Or, what we can do to help you improve outside the training room

These free resources are also available via our website and blog. Downloading them may trigger follow up emails from our central sales and marketing team. You can, of course, unsubscribe from these emails at any time. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.

Writing emails that people read: Free eBook download


Working in Virtual Teams

In this short video Scott Levey, a director at Target Training outlines 3 simple steps you can follow to make sure your virtual team makes an impact.

Being an InCorporate Trainer

Shannon explains how being an InCorporate Trainer is different from being a “regular” Business English teacher.

The 3 core elements of a great presentation

Chris Slattery, Managing Director and training enthusiast, outlines the 3 core elements you need to keep in mind when presenting.

Having a trainer inhouse has established a lasting improvement of Business English for each employee and the whole department.

Department Leader, PS

I highly recommend this training. It is the basis for intercultural success.

Department Leader in Manufacturing and Engineering

I would recommend Target Training because they made the training so relevant to our daily business.

Team Leader in ISEC

I recommend Target Training because the tailored training has really increased my English level. In the past it was very common that the German level at least in European Plants was very high, but now almost every communication outside Germany is in English. My trainer has helped me communicate globally with Asian English speakers.

Group Leader in Manufacturing

We need to fulfill the demands of an international leadplant and this means English becomes more and more basis of our work. Our trainer is “part” of our department and the training is uncomplicated, flexible and with high focus on our needs. I definitely recommend this approach because the training is very effective!

Department Leader in Manufacturing

The importance of English at Bosch has changed a lot in the recent years, and this training helps me to improve my English and have the sureness. I like that we train with situations from my “real business life”. And I have also the opportunity to ask for individual support when I prepare presentations, write special documentation etc. Yes, I really can recommend this training!

Associate in Feuerbach

This training is different to any previous training because it is the English that I need, and is really adapted to my daily work. What I learned can be used immediately. If you want to write better emails, do interesting presentations or feel most comfortable on the phone, then this training is a “must have” for you.

Manager in CF

For more information about Bosch & Target Training

Training you to succeed globally – globally

Since 1995, we have been supporting Bosch departments just like yours. Every year over 1,500 Bosch associates benefit from our practical training solutions. Many of these associates use our flagship Business English solutions – the  InCorporate Trainer solution, our Virtual InCorporate Trainer solution, and our Open Program. We are proud to be a trusted and approved suppler working in a General Agreement through Bosch Purchasing and BTC.  Please contact me via email if you are interested in learning more.