Three steps to adapt to working from home
In March 2020 it is estimated that a quarter of the world’s population is confined to their homes in some form or other. For millions of workers this means adapting to something they may never have experienced before – home working.
A practical guide to storytelling in business
People have always told stories and they are a vital part of our communication. Today, storytelling has become accepted (and sometimes expected) in a professional context.
Rescheduling meetings in English
Most of my participants attend meetings with clients, partners and colleagues, and sometimes it's necessary to reschedule a meeting via email. My participants are concerned about the tone of the email, letting others down, and losing trust and credibility.
Train the Trainer: Dealing with ‚difficult‘ participants – part 1
At Target Training we’ve been delivering “train-the-trainer”…
17 practical ways senior managers and executives can support training and development inside their organization
1 Kommentar
Recently one of our clients asked me to co-facilitate a workshop…
Which topics are most suited for the live virtual training format
This week’s Secret L&D manager is German and has been working…
Lessons learned: making live virtual training work for our business
This week’s Secret L&D manager is German and has been working for one of the management consulting firms for 13 years. She is part of a virtual L&D team responsible for internal training solutions across multiple time zones.
How and why we got started with live virtual training in our global firm
This week’s Secret L&D manager is German and has been working for one of the big management consulting firms for 13 years. She is part of a virtual L&D team responsible for internal training solutions for a global group of...
Balancing your emotional bank accounts – practical activities for managers and leaders
An emotional bank account describes the amount of trust that’s been built up in a relationship, and when trust is high, communication is easy and effective.
Why managers should care about their emotional bank accounts
In our Practical Toolbox for managers training program, one of the key points participants take away is that the success of your feedback/feedforward rests upon your broader relationship with your partner.
The secret L&D manager: What makes training effective?
This month’s secret training manager is Italian and has worked in a variety of fields including public research organizations and service companies. Here she talks with Scott Levey about the basic elements that make training and trainers effective.
Practical rules and resources for writing quality emails
This might be difficult to imagine if you are under 35, but when I started my career in finance there was no email. All written communication was by letter, and if something was really urgent you might send a telex or a fax.
Training storytelling in business –behind the scenes with two trainers
When we train storytelling skills my very first goal is to show them that they are surrounded by stories and that everyone can tell a story. One of the ways I start is by asking the participants to share something that...
Book review: The happy mind
Before I read the book “The Happy Mind”, by Kevin Horsley and Louis Fourie, I already knew that happiness comes from the self and that the building blocks of happiness are things that have no physical form. Things like love, acceptance and beliefs are what give or take away happiness – ultimately.
Die vier Reiter: Verachtung und Einmauern am Arbeitsplatz
Dieser Blogbeitrag wird tiefer in die letzten 2 toxischen Verhaltensweisen eintauchen - vermutlich die schädlichsten der 4: Einmauern & Verachtung. Wir werden untersuchen, warum sie passieren, welche Auswirkungen sie haben und wie beide Parteien die Dinge zum Besseren wenden können.
The why, when, where, who, what and how of the meeting agenda
Meetings are only as effective as the people who join (or don’t join) the meeting. Your agenda needs clarity about who will lead, present, or facilitate each point. You’ll also want to be explicit about who needs to be involved or is affected by each point on the agenda.
Die vier Reiter: Kritik und Schuldzuweisung, sowie Abwehverhalten am Arbeitsplatz
Gesunde Arbeitsbeziehungen sind ein Muss, wenn Sie einen effektiven, effizienten und angenehmen Arbeitsplatz wünschen. In unserem letzten Blogbeitrag stellte ich John Gottmanns Arbeit und die 4 Reiter der Apokalypse vor; Kritik & Schuldzuweisung, Verteidigung, Verachtung und Einmauern.
Lernen Sie die „Vier Reiter der Apokalypse“ kennen – Was bewirken Sie an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz?
Seit 2015 sind wir an einem Management Development Programm für eine der großen 4 Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften in Luxemburg beteiligt. Eines der vielen lohnenden Aspekte der Beteiligung an so großen Vorzeigeprojekten ist die Möglichkeit, mit anderen Management-Trainern zusammenzuarbeiten und voneinander zu lernen.
How to avoid your emails going viral
“Worst email ever?” was the headline that got my attention when I read my newspaper on a Saturday morning. The story was about an Australian manager who had sent an email which he later described himself as a “Gordon Ramsay meets Donald Trump-style email rant”.
5 typische Fehler beheben, die deutschsprachige Personen auf Englisch machen.
Germans generally speak good business English. A worldwide study published by Harvard Business review ranked Germany 14th for English workforce proficiency (or “high” and with a score of 60.2 out of 100).
Organizing management and leadership training programs – the secret L&D manager
We’re working in a very fast-paced environment and there are always a lot of changes going on. A lot of our managers and leaders are firefighting, and really involved in operational work.
Implementing the 70-20-10 model- insights from a secret L&D manager
This month’s Secret L&D manager is German, based in Germany and works for a global automotive supply company. She has worked in training and development for over 7 years.
When trainers become participants: 17 tips for getting the most from your training
As a training company we invest in internal training with a passion. We can cover many of the soft skill and leadership topics internally, but when we are lacking the insider knowledge we carefully qualify and source external providers.