Measuring Progress: What am I getting for my money?
Am I getting my money's worth?
One key question for our seminar…
Meeting Phrases: Disagreeing politely and diplomatically
How do you disagree with colleagues in meetings?
Leadership: A practical exercise for managers
Do you ever stop and ask yourself the simple question: “What…
3 Questions for an HRD Leader on training
As trainers, we can offer our views on what we think is a good…
CEFR Levels: A Beginner’s Guide
What is your CEFR level?
In Europe everyone talks about their…
Presentation Fillers: 4 Quick Tips to Help
Are you using too many presentation fillers when presenting?
Giving Constructive Criticism: Phrases and Tips
How are you at giving constructive criticism?
Giving praise…
70-20-10 model: Why we MUST apply it to Business English training
By applying the 70-20-10 philosophy to Business English training and integrating on-the-job and social learning alongside traditional approaches, companies can comfortably overcome the challenges they face.
70-20-10 Model: Does it transfer to Business English training?
In a nutshell, yes it can – and language training beyond the traditional approach is key to making an impact on performance. The 70-20-10 model reflects the increasing awareness that learning is not just about “traditional” training.
Business English Vocab: 5 Problem Words for HR
How accurate is your HR Business English vocabulary?
Intercultural Training: Internal vs External Control
As a second generation Northerner in the US, a lot of…
Clarification Emails: Structure and Phrases
How do you write your clarification emails?
How many times…
70-20-10 Model: 5 Implementation Tips
What is the 70-20-10 model?
As we mentioned last week in our…
Saying Goodbye: Email Phrases
What are you writing when saying goodbye in emails?
We need…
70-20-10 Model: Getting Started
What is the 70-20-10 model?
The 70-20-10 model has been around…
Expressing Congratulations: Email phrases
Do you need some ideas on expressing congratulations to colleagues?
Meeting Rooms: Phrases for Booking Conflicts
Do you ever have someone using the meeting rooms that you booked?
Polite emails: Hamburger Approach
Do you send polite emails? Each day at work we send and…
Prioritizing Work: 4 Categories to Help
4 Simple categories to help in prioritizing work
Meeting misunderstandings: 4 Steps to Clarify
Do you ever have to deal with meeting misunderstandings?
Condolence Emails: Phrases and Structure
Writing condolence emails can be difficult
Have you ever had…
Head, Hand & Heart: 3 elements all presentations need
Every presentation is different. Or is it? In this short…
Email Confirmations: Using R.A.P.
A simple structure to confirm your discussion
Email confirmations…