The power of storytelling in business: 5 lessons learned
This post shares five lessons learned about storytelling in business.
James has spent over twenty-five years training soft, intercultural and Business English skills. He has trained and performed internationally in finance, logistics, manufacturing, academic, military, and healthcare organizations.
This post shares five lessons learned about storytelling in business.
Over the past year we’ve been working on 3 leadership projects with plant managers across Europe and the US. These projects have involved coaching talented operational managers on the verge of promotion to a more strategic level. For many of these managers this is a surprisingly tough jump.
Immer mehr unserer Kunden setzen auf die virtuelle Durchführung von Schulungen. Viele streben nach einer globalen Trainingslösung, bei der jeder Zugang zu der gleichen hohen Qualität der Ausbildung hat, unabhängig davon, wo sie sich befinden.
Free eBook download Virtual Team Success von Darleen Derosa & Richard Lepsinger Dieses forschungsbasierte Buch ist eine Zusammenstellung von praktischen Ansätzen für virtuelles Teaming. Das Buch enthält eine Reihe hilfreicher Checklisten und Best Practices, die als Leitfaden für virtuelle Teamleiter und Teilnehmer dienen können. Der Verhaltensfokus von Virtual Team Success wird Ihnen helfen, Probleme zu […]
Was machen Sie vor Ihren virtuellen Teambesprechungen? Die Vorbereitung auf ein Meeting ist wichtig, insbesondere für virtuelle Meetings via Telefonkonferenz oder Netmeetings. Es ist schwierig, in virtuellen Teams zu arbeiten, da man die anderen Teammitglieder nicht oft von Angesicht zu Angesicht sieht. Versuchen Sie also ein paar kleine Dinge vor Ihren Meetings anzupacken, um sich […]
Sie sind ein guter Redner – Sie sind charmant, witzig und energiegeladen. Sie mögen die Herausforderung, vor Publikum zu sprechen und sind gut darin. Dennoch haben Sie manchmal das Gefühl, daß Sie mehr machen oder Dinge auch anders durchführen könnten. Es gibt einige Situationen, da gelingt es Ihnen leichter als anderen, einen Draht zum Publikum […]
Geschichtenerzählen ist wieder zu einem interessanten Thema in der Welt der Geschäftskommunikation geworden. Konferenzen und Redner loben weltweit den Reiz und , die Anziehungskraft des Geschichtenerzählens auf das Publikum. Ich frage mich, warum das so ist. Haben Menschen nicht seit ihren frühesten Anfängen Geschichten erzählt? Wir alle erzählen Geschichten. Es war Teil unseres Überlebenskampfes und […]
The benefits of active listening are many. To start with you’ll hear more … much more. You can enrich your understanding through gathering information and understanding the emotions.
The DEEP model is designed to help you have a clear approach to tough accountability conversations. It helps you and your team focus on solutions when accountability problems arise. These kinds of conversations are rarely easy, but with DEEP you can approach them with confidence.
Miles Davis, time and time again, brought together some of the most talented musicians in their own right to work with him in his musical exploration. How did he do it? This article will explore the lessons of Miles Davis in the art of leading the best to be their best.
Benjamin Franklin said “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”. Long before him, Aristotle said „For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them“.
How praise gets delivered is also of importance to judgements of its sincerity. In some work cultures, being singled out for enthusiastic praise if front of a group would be gratifying to the person receiving it while cultures that use more restrained emotional styles might find expressive, public praise embarrassing and impersonal.
The purpose pyramid is one of the simplest and yet effective communication models for introducing a presentation, opening a meeting or organizing your thoughts that there is. It is so simple, in fact, that no one seems to take credit for it though you will find it in the work of many communications gurus. The […]
From my years working in HR, I know that employees don’t often ask HR for help. At least, that is what it was like for the companies I worked with. As HR consultants, it is our job to give guidance and support to enable our colleagues make better decisions. Our roles are operational, not strategic, […]
Originally published on 20.03.2013 „Are we on time?“ The question seems simple enough but that seemingly simple question can unlock different ways of viewing time and the commitments associated with our view of time. My experience with intercultural training has made me think about that question a bit differently. “On time” in Ghana It reminds […]
Am I getting my money’s worth? One key question for our seminar clients is, “Is paying for training experiences enough?” Most often, the answer is clearly, “Yes”. Despite all of the talk about ROI, buying an experience makes sense when we realize the benefits of training in general from an employee’s perspective. When organizations invest […]
As a second generation Northerner in the US, a lot of my family comes directly from the South. My family, like many others, was part of the second Great Migration of African Americans from the South to the North in the 1930’s – 1950’s. One of my favorite memories growing up was talking to a […]
It was part of our survival and development. Stories are all around us, from campfires to multimillion dollar movies, so why do we have to make a case for it in a business environment? Generally, I think the answer is fear. We are afraid to “lay an egg”, reveal too much of ourselves, show too […]
What does Miles Davis have to do with managing high performers in business? Good question. Miles Davis is rightfully acclaimed as an icon of jazz but he didn’t make music alone. Miles worked with the best of the best to create music that stands as among the highest forms of the genre. In part 1 […]