Evaluating an Idea: Quick Email Phrases
What do you think?
Evaluating an idea without causing offense can be challenging at times. Often it is a colleague, client or your boss who wants to know what you think of an idea. Sometimes you think it’s great, sometimes you don’t, and sometimes you’re going to need to know more before you can respond. The first case is relatively easy – you can tell them it’s great. But what about the next two cases?
Here are some phrases which you could use either when writing an email in response to a written request, or when speaking to the person who has made the suggestion.
Phrases for evaluating an idea
1. You think it’s a great idea
- That sounds great!
- What an amazing idea!
- That’s a really good idea.
2. You don’t think it’s such a great idea
- I can’t help wondering how / if / whether /what….
- It’s certainly worth considering.
- What concerns me is…
3. You want more time or information before reacting
- I’d appreciate more information on / about…
- I would really need to know..
- Perhaps you could let me know..?
Example of an email when you are evaluating an idea
By using the suggestions above, you can acknowledge an idea without offending the person who came up with it. Let us know if you have any suggestions of other phrases or approaches when evaluating an idea in emails in the comments area below.
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