Entries by Scott Levey

Writing Emails: 20 phrases for closing an email

A common problem we hear is how writing emails in English can cost just too much time. One solution that works for many people is to begin building a “toolbox” of useful phrases.  It’s a simple idea– you just start keeping a list of common and useful expression, perhaps on your desktop or in a […]

Presentations: The 4Rs

The 4Rs is a model for handling questions, consisting of four stages—Reflect, Respect, Respond and Review. Presenters don’t have to use each of the 4 steps every time they answer a question, and there is also room to play with the order of the Rs (indeed, slavishly following the steps can sound robotic).  The model […]

Presenting in English – effective introductions for beginners

Presenting in English – does it make you nervous?  Does the idea of speaking in front of people make your mouth go dry? Well keep reading … If you are nervous about presenting in English, making an effective introduction is especially important.  An effective introduction will help your audience know what to expect and it […]

Presentations: Three Mistakes Even Experienced Presenters Make

A few weeks ago I was coaching two partners at a financial service provider on their presentations.  They were looking to present a new innovative investment product at a series of upcoming client meetings, and together we were sharpening their  message and the delivery.  They did a great job. It was quarter past six, the […]